S-032 | Acetylation targets at hippocampal synapses of mice

S-032 | Acetylation targets at hippocampal synapses of mice 150 150 SAN 2024 Annual Meeting

Cognition, Behavior, and Memory
Author: Melina Sol Alvarez | Email: melinasol.alvarez@gmail.com

Melina Sol Alvarez, Sebastián Rivas1°2°, Ramiro Freudenthal1°2°

Laboratorio de Plasticidad Sináptica y Memoria, iB3, FCEN UBA

Memory and learning are fundamental processes that enable animals to adapt to their environments. Memory storage implies a series of molecular processes including intracellular Ca2+ increments, post translational modifications (PTMs) and protein synthesis. A widely accepted consensus indicates that the resulting changes occur at synapses, and affect its efficacy. Previously we showed that during inhibitory avoidance memory consolidation, protein acetylation levels change at the synapse. To identify putative protein targets of acetylation, we isolated the hippocampus of CF1 mice and performed protein extracts enriched on synaptic proteins from this tissue, analyzing the samples through immunoprecipitation with a pan acetyl antibody and protein identification by western blot. Here we report candidate proteins detected in the immunoprecipitation.

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